Senin, 14 Oktober 2019

TLS Group

TLS Group: Investment in Green Cryptocurrency Mining

One of the major demerits of blockchain mining is that is requires high energy levels and computing capabilities. This mostly affects bitcoin miners, as the energy consumed is very high compared to the rewards they receive from mining. Bitcoin mining faces monopolization by computing farms because the miners, with their home computers, cannot compete with the powerful mining devices that are in mining farms.
TLS Group believes that use of renewable energy in mining is a step forward in the attainment of a cleaner world and profitable investment.

TLS Group Objectives

TLS Group seeks to solve high energy level and computing capabilities problem by implementing the use of renewable energy sources to carry out computations during mining of Cryptocurrencies. Examples of renewable energy sources include wind energy, solar energy, biofuel, and geothermal energy.
In this case, TLS Group investment vehicles are based on green solar energy. The solar-based systems maintain efficiency using CSP- technology from their partner, si14. These systems are able to generate energy several times greater than normal PV ( Photovoltaic ) technology. With the integration of the new tracking and servo based system, the panels are allowed to adjust themselves according to the position of the sun. All of this new and improved technology translates to a larger KW of energy at some of the lowest prices in the market.
The use of solar energy source will result in a cleaner environment because of reduction in global warming and reduced greenhouse gas emission into the atmosphere. The use of solar energy sources for mining will also reduce the electricity expenses that miners incur during their activity, which means that they will earn more profits.
Another effect of using renewable energy sources in computations is that it simplifies the bitcoin mining price to a computer capacity value, which will increase the number of equipment and people performing computations. Due to this increase, there will be increased transactions on the network, improved security level, and bitcoin will become more competitive than other technology in the market.

Acquisition Of Funds

TLS Group aims at obtaining funding through its Security Token Offering in order to launch the project. The goal of the STO is to collect funds for use in researching ways of increasing efficiency of plants that can generate renewable energy. The STO also seeks to collect funds for use in the generation of renewable energy through installation of wind power plants and solar collectors.
The platform will share and spread this idea using the TLS Token. TLS token is a security token built on the Ethereum blockchain and ERC20 token. The total supply is 2 billion TLS tokens, and 99.99% of tokens are available for sale, the team will receive only 0.01% of tokens. The tokens not sold after the STO will be burnt. So, it is predicted that TLS token will be more valuable in the future, since the product is already needed and the number of tokens is limited. The STO is currently live and you can buy the token at the price of 1.3$.
Once enough funds are collected, the vehicle will start moving and investors can expect a dividend of 40% allocated on a pro data basis.

Why Invest In TLS Group?

Once you invest in TLS group's green energy scheme, you are provided with a smart contract that specifies five major points
  1. Transparency: Extreme transparency is maintained on the balance of tokens as well as all the transfers. All the information is available for the investors and can be tracked in time.
  2. Ownership: The token holders must be ethereum users and contractors. Transfer of tokens among users will only be processed only after direct instruction of a holder or transferee.
  3. Supply of tokens: It is pertained to only three users, a contract holder and two managers of the company.
  4. Contract management: The contract holder may waive the transfer of tokens between users if he sees it as fraudulent. He can also waive ownership of tokens from a user, under complaints from other users.
  5. Miscellaneous: There is a maximum allowable quantity of tokens that can be circulated. There is also a feature of the burning of tokens, enabling the user to void of the remaining tokens.

TLS Group Team

The team is composed of talented and experienced developers, and you can visit their LinkedIn profiles on website to check the authenticity of each member.

TLS Goup Conclusion

TLS group is one of the most exciting and revolutionary cryptocurrency mining companies. They use Blockchain and money management mechanisms to create investment vehicles using green energy.
However, before you start to participate for TLS Group STO, kindly make your own research about TLS on its Website.
For more information about TLS Group, visit the following links:


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