Rabu, 08 Mei 2019



Traditionally database related to any form of online or offline services is collected, stored, updated and shared based on a centralized structure. In case one needs access or specific details of his/her data, a request has to be made to the centralized party in charge of the user data. Accordingly, the data is shared back to the user. This system for record keeping and information sharing is in practice across industries ranging from finance, banks to technology. However, time and again these service providers have been found guilty of unfair practices as well as compromising on transparency and security of user data.
What is Blockchain (Cryptocurrency) Mining
Mining is the driving engine behind any Blockchain ecosystem. A popular practice among blockchain solution providers is to tokenize transactions in their environment. These tokens can be pegged to anything of value ranging from assets to currencies. For the tokens(transactions) to gain true distal asset status, they must be verified. Mining is a process for verifying transactions(blocks). The process involves the following key steps:
  • Miners Offer recordkeeping (bookkeeping) services to the coin/token network. It is primarily a 4/7 computer accounting service also referred to as "verifying transactions."
  • Miners receive bounties or small reward for verifying transactions. The rewards are mostly in the form of fractions of coins/ tokens verified.
  • Miners either offer services voluntarily or selected by the coin network based on a consensus.
While the above process may appear to be easy-peasy, it is not without flaws. The prime among these are:
  • Average mining times reduces with an increase in the number of miners in a P2P network.
  • With an increase in mining, the difficulty increases the rate of block creation declines.
  • Within a few months, the Average mining time reaches 10 minutes.

Blockchain Integration in Pieta

As a first step towards a blockchain powered viable and renewable energy source for consumers, traders, enterprises and miners, Pieta will integrate distributed blockchain record keeping as part of its Solar Mining System. The same would be synced with Pieta’s distributed payment system too. The next most important event would be the integration of the new investment and monitoring platform for all solar power plants with the Pieta Blockchain and its respective smart contracts protocol for ensuring security and transparency.
  • All Solar Farm production data will be part of the shared distributed ledger on the Pieta Blockchain.
  • Real-Time Solar Farm Monitoring units for update production and technical data in the Company’s operation center.
  • All data (financial and operational) will be part of the Pieta blockchain public ledger for the unmatched and unquestionable guarantee to both partners and investors.

Pieta Platform

(Technology Overview) The Blockchain The Blockchain Technology is in itself revolutionary. But Pieta goes a step ahead to close all loopholes that restrict its full-scale adoption. The primary among these is the skyrocketing Mining costs for crypto coins and tokens. To counter this, Pieta Token Smart Contracts(ERC-20) after ico you can exchange it by pieta coin, this will available on our website after ico end in Nov 2019, pieta coin will be based on the X20 algorithm blockchain. The X20 Algorithm does a few very important things. These are listed below.

  • Increases Ledger Creation by nearly 20 Times the current rate for other blockchains.
  • Reduces Maximum Block Size to 2 Mb and Block Time to 20 Seconds.
  • Reduces energy cost for GPU or ASIC based mining by nearly 50%.
  • Ensures easy platform adoption for Coins Owners, Businesses and Miners.

Pieta Business Structure

The Pieta Business Structure at its core puts into place a declaration of emancipation from the global dependence on fossil-fuel and traditional energy supplies that not only overshoot business operational costs but also trigger tectonic shifts in climate patterns across the globe. These changes are happening fast and unless the world moves towards safer renewable energy supplies, the future looks both unpredictable and equally hostile.
As a first step towards a greener economy, Pieta offers a business model that ensures seamless and cost-effective blockchain renewable energy solution that benefits primarily (B2C) business to customer and (B2B) business to business service providers. The Pieta Business Structure paves a path for an easy integration of Blockchain Powered Renewable Energy Solutions that offers immediate key trading solutions like lower transaction fees, reduced energy costs, operational scalability, anonymity, etc. The Pieta P2P decentralized Network offers businesses energy efficient and zero-monopoly marketplace with maximum profit opportunities.
  • P2P Network.
  • Energy Efficient Business Solution for Reduced Operational Costs.
  • Easy Wallet Integration For Minimal Cost Transactions.
  • Decentralized Ledger (Record Keeping) for a Fair and secure trading Environment.
  • ERC20 Standard PITC Token with Scalability, Anonymity and Liquidity Features.
  • X20 Powered Mining Solution benefitting Token Owners, Platform Users, Businesses and Miners alike.


To drive adoption of blockchain powered renewable and efficient energy solution for businesses of all scale and size. At the same time, Pieta envisions to make Mining a profitable and attractive affair for everyone irrespective of the individuals technological and financial prowess.


Ensure fast-track adoption of Green Energy Sources. Make Solar Energy the key energy source for e Make Solar Energy the key energy source for efficient businesses operations. Drive Awareness Programmes to educate one and all about the present and future benefits of a smart, sustainable and comprehensive energy system.
Pieta Mining Platform
Unlike the early stages when cryptocurrency transactions were far and few, Unlike the early stages when cryptocurrency transactions were far and few, today the transactions have multiplied by a significant factor. Accordingly, the miner's community has witnessed a population explosion of some sort.
This explosion has forced miners with limited finance and resources out of business. On the contrary, the community is now dominated by mining oligarchs which is a threat to the mining community and the blockchain-cryptocurrency model at large. Pieta will rely on the new X20 algorithm for the mining of new coins.
Pieta will rely on the new X20 algorithm for the mining of new coins. The X20 algorithm which will help reduce energy consumption by as much as 50%, that's will make more increase cooling for mining equipment, This will, in turn, increase the equipment life which will result in a higher profit for the coin miners. Because of the high profits and lower energy requirements, more and more miners will be attracted towards the Pieta mining. As more miners will compete for the same block reward, it will subsequently increase the Pieta coin price in the market because of the high demand.
Pieta’s X20 Algorithm offers an efficient and cost-effective solution to the mining crisis. It does this by reducing block size and block execution time to 20 seconds. This offers a wide transaction pool for miners. Secondly, it shoots 20 rounds of hashes for a particular transaction.
The Pieta token
is an ERC20 cryptocurrency. It will be the loyalty token for the project investors and will also work as the supporting token for completing the roadmap tasks of the project. The buyers will be rewarded with tokens for their positive contribution to the growth of the platform. Pieta token will also be accepted as payment/currency by participating businesses and it can also be exchanged for Ethereum (ETH) through a number of supporting exchanges.
Pieta token will be developed on the (Ethereum) blockchain network in order to make it easy to access and use by the investors. The token will have many features such as low energy consumption, low transaction fees, faster transactions and a high level of security.
  • Type: Utility Token
  • Total Supply: 18,000,000
  • Token for Sale: 15,840,000 (Include Bonus)
  • Price: 1 Pieta = 0.25 USD (pre-sale)
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
Who Would Benefit From Pieta Coin?
Anyone who is interested in joining the cryptocurrency revolution and looking for a reliable blockchain project to invest in is going to benefit by investing in the Pieta Coin. These include:
  • Merchants and businesses who want to increase their sales and lower their costs through Pieta’s features like low energy consumption, lower transaction fees, and faster transactions and a higher level of security;
  • Investors and token enthusiasts who want help in driving cryptocurrency adoption and increasing cross-operational ability and earn handsome returns;
  • The users who are looking for a low-cost entry point into the cryptocurrency market.

How to Invest?

Investing in the Pieta ICO is easy. Just follow the steps:
  1. Visit the website https://pieta.network and click on ‘Join & Buy Token’ button.
  2. Create an Account by providing your Email Address and a secure Password. Confirm your email address.
  3. Now, log in to your Pieta account by using the same details.
  4. Follow the Instructions on the page to participate in the ICO sale. Click on the ‘Add’ button to buy new tokens. Make sure that you have so sure that you have sufficient money in your Dollar wallet to make the purchase.
Once your payment is confirmed, you’ll receive a confirmation message.
Pieta project looks pretty confident among all, I hope and I believe that it's not just that, and it will become something great. We will see what will happen, I very much hope that the company will succeed, an excellent approach to realizing their ideas! It is interesting to observe and be a part of such projects!
Pieta project seems very interesting. Have a great potential and promising future, I'll follow and support this project. A great company headed by a team of specialists, the output of which will change forever the concept of cryptocurrency, I enjoy in this project. I'm sure you are an experienced crypto investor but just to make final sure, have you seen this high potential project? It's a real brilliant among other projects. This is a very wonderful project that will offer consumers the ease to buy their goods directly from manufacturers in a very cost-effective manner. I am glad to be part of this community. Great company with a great future! This is a company that will change the future and looks at a lot!
More info follows the link:



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