Jumat, 31 Mei 2019



Image result for ICO AIOcasino

The discovery of blockchain technology will change many of our habits. There will be changes in the fields of finance, industry, gambling and many other sectors. It was observed that there were various problems in each region.

The casino sector has special problems. The first is not transparency. This causes a lack of trust. Another problem is the problem associated with account restrictions and withdrawal limits. The customer must transfer funds from his account to the casino operator. However, when this deposit is transferred from the customer's account to the casino account, the customer does not have control of the money. Thus, there are applications that harm the customer. High game costs also appear as another problem.

The aim of the AIO casino is to offer only one casino. To improve game options for users and bring changes to player benefits. AIO will be a revolution in the casino market. AIO gives users full control of their funds, a very important difference compared to other casinos. With this blockchain model, it will form a standard in casinos. Agreements based on the Tron blockchain will be made in ecosystems that operate with smart contracts. With new games, users will be able to withdraw to casinos operating on the web.

The casino will have a web browser that is connected to the internet at the AIO casino. Users will be able to access the site with any device; they will be able to use the mobile version that looks web. This will be a multilingual platform that will support English at the beginning of regulation in transparency and justice with smart agreements.

These games:

* AIO dice game
* Play AIO
* Designed as a game like AIO Moon.

The AIO management team will consist of technology experts and professionals. Professionals with more than five years of work experience will work on game development, central planning and design.

AIO coins are based on the ERC20 standard designed on the Ethereum network. AIO coins will be used in the operation of the platform. Users can get dividends by freezing tokens. AIO coin owners can participate in central decisions and vote.



Token Symbol => AIO

Token Supply => 2,900,000 AIO

Sale Supply => 2,030,000 AIO

Blockchain Type => ETHEREUM

Token Type => ERC20



60% Allocated to token sale

15% Allocated to Company Fund

10% Allocated to Pre-Sale

10% Allocated to Team & Advisors

5% Allocated to Marketing and Bounty Program


40% Allocated to Marketing

30% Allocated to Marketing

15% Allocated to Operational Costs

10% Allocated to Liquidity

5% Allocated to Legal




Based on the data and facts seen, AIO Casino is very good for review and investment. This is based on the reality for now, many projects are not good, and makes everyone who invests a lot of questions about their certainty and truth, so if you want to invest in this project, you should read all about the article that I made, so you can find out more about this ICO project from them.

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DABANKING PLATFORM: First Ever Gaming Platform With Full Transparency

DABANKING is a gaming project created on blockchain technology with the points and destinations of changing the whole gaming industries using blockchain technology.
Investors have been profiting by the presentation of blockchain technology throughout the years however their benefits are for the most part gotten from cryptocurrency exchanging. In any case, today dabanking has allowed us another chance to win and benefit from the intensity of blockchain technology through the dispatch of its dabankin gaming platform.
Gaming industry should be improved and made to be additional beneficial for those that share in it. Nonetheless, any insurgency to it will influence the lottery framework positively and that makes it significant as people experience the progressions that is affected on the world, they may likewise have something to do with playing without frustration with the guide of the manner in which it truly works. For that to be done there might be requirement for a decent gaming platform to make that conceivable.


Dabanking is a platform extremely worth our time and consideration. It is a foundation which is put aside to improve gaming and playing better in the world because there are set-back influencing them and reality that they might be improved from their outstanding unified structures to a lot more noteworthy and higher distributed one. This is the reason Dabanking platform really dependent on the intensity of the ledger chain to launch this gaming platform and make clients ready to encounter the advantages that comes afterwords. Dabanking objectives is to improve and furthermore finish the issues inside the present betting structures and plan to make the tasks and gaming exercises additional gainful to the game ethusiasts such an extent that they feel good with it and don’t need to confront any type of destruction in it. Dabanking platform may likewise play its capacity with the guide of reviving the excitement and inspirations of clients toward the procedure so they can increase additional when they do so.



I might want to discuss the first Dapp on Dabanking called Fomojackport. Not on the grounds that it’s the first dApp, I will get a kick out of the chance to bring to your notice the astounding open doors it presents to you.
FomoJackpot presents a brilliant open door for you to win a huge number of Eth with the little sum, like what you spend calmly on a jug of brew or for tipping irregular sales salesman.
FomoJackpot is a lottery program with guidelines intended to make Fomo(an acronym for the Fear of Missing out) after lunch. It allows a great many crypto players to win cash as the crypto market is recuperating. The Campaign starts soon as the first round of tickets will begin selling by June. Each ticket cost 0.05eth. As you purchase a ticket, you mine a DAB token. DAB token will be profitable as it will be listed on a different digital currency exchange later on.
On Fomojackpot, the quicker you purchase a ticket increase your triumphant multiplier, you have chances to expand your pay up to 650%.
Fomo Jackpot likewise enables you to win when you refer a member to purchase a ticket. You get up to 17%. They have a referral structure of 10levels. You get 6% from your level one referrals, 4% from level two, 2% for level 3, 2% for level 4-6, 0.5% for level 7-10.


DABANKING is a game changing innovation for entertainment industry. With the help of blockchain technology it makes Decentralized Application more flexible, transparent, distributed, resilient and has a better-incentivized structure than current software models. So I can guarantee this can more popular when the more D-apps coming to market. Join with DABANKING and be a part of its Nobel community.


Author: vgen
Eth : 0x11f9b1212F3aF42afee390071F55488f10489ef0
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Kamis, 30 Mei 2019

Крипто-реклама и маркетинг CryptoMarketAds

Крипто-реклама и маркетинг CryptoMarketAds

В период основного криптовалютного хайпа 2017 года, индустрию наводнили проекты самых различных тематик. Молодые стартапы брались абсолютно за все. Некоторые проекты действительно получили развитие, некоторые уже на стадии ознакомления с их white paper уже казались смешными, но они умудрялись привлекать миллионы долларов инвестиций. Обескураженные стремительным ростом рынка инвесторы вкладывали свои деньги во все под ряд без разбора, в суть проектов никто особо не вникал, главное было получить желаемый профит. Так вот большая часть этих проектов до сегодняшнего дня не дожили. Некоторые просто не смогли реализовать идею, а некоторые и во все не собирались ничего делать и оказывались просто мошенническими схемами. В эти дикие времена деньги к криптовалютной среде текли рекой. О криптовалюте говорили из каждого утюга. В итоге рынок перегрели ажиотажем, а отсутствие законодательной базы для ico позволило обмануть тысячи людей и остаться безнаказанными. После наступления криптозимы ситуация усугубилась тем, что помимо государственного и юридического давления на индустрию, крупные информационные ресурсы наложили запрет на рекламу криптовалют на их площадках. Стали массово блокировать информацию на medium, twitter, facebook, и даже google был против. Таким образом криптовалютная индустрия столкнулась с серьезной нехваткой рекламы и огласки.
Именно для решения подобных проблем команда проекта CryptoMarketAds создает свою децентрализованную платформу для рекламы криптовалютных проектов и индустрии в целом.
Это маркетинговая платформа, где стартапы смогут размещать информацию о своих проектах. Выходит этакий агрегатор криптовалютных проектов, где заинтересованные лица, которых со временем становится все больше, смогут найти всю необходимую информацию. CryptoMarketAds станет полезен для инвесторов, советников, баунти-хантеров.
Реклама всегда являлась двигателем торговли, а реклама в зарождающейся сфере просто необходима. Тем более постепенно расширяясь и имея органический рост, криптовалютная индустрия будет показывать только увеличивающийся спрос на рекламу. Рынок растет – спрос на рекламу увеличивается.
Внутренней валютой экосистемы CryptoMarketAds будет токен CMA. Команда продумала экономическую модель проекта таким, что спрос на токен CMA будет постоянным и высоким. Только с помощью CMA можно оплачивать услуги CryptoMarketAds.
Подводя промежуточный итог, можно сделать вывод, что такая платформа как CryptoMarketAds сообществу сейчас нужна. Индустрии необходима качественная реклама и эффективный способ по отсечению мошеннических проектов. Участникам криптовалютного рынка нужен современный ресурс, где концентрировалась бы вся самая свежая информация о криптовалютных проектах. Ну а стартапам качественная, дешевая и эффективная реклама. И все эти функции объединяет в себе CryptoMarketAds.
В настоящее время CryptoMarketAds проводит предварительную продажу своих токенов по весьма выгодной цене 1 CMA = $0,005. Далее будет проводиться IEO на криптовалютной бирже IDAX, стоимость токена будет уже дороже 1 CMA = $0,005. Сам по себе факт проведения IEO говорит нам о том, что токен проекта сразу попадает на рынок и будет иметь какую-то ликвидность уже с первых дней.
Text.ru - 100.00%
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blockchain based loyalty platform

SMATHIUM    is a blockchain based loyalty platform that aims to overcome the challenges that support traditional loyalty programs. Studies show customers choose loyalty programs, they don’t enjoy them fully. A survey by CodeBroker shows 54% of customers choose their loyalty rewards program. The reasons why only reduce differences and the facts provided only provide limited benefits. Also, implementing a strong loyalty rewards program to spend most of big business.
more and more people want to know more about it, and find ways to be a part of it. When blockchain technology comes, things change, things get better, we said. So much business is improving, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their jobs. New ideas come every day. People want to invest in new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it’s called the Internet. The internet is a large base of information where we can do anything. The internet has connected the whole world.
Because access to the internet we can get information about one of the most extraordinary crypto projects known as Smathium
The CodeBroker survey shows that at least 54% of consumers are disappointed with their loyalty program. Causes of frustration include a lack of differentiation and the fact that most only provide limited benefits. In addition, introducing a strong loyalty program usually costs a lot to block most businesses.
Although employees like department stores and airlines can provide valuable membership programs for their customers, small and medium-sized companies cannot. Smathium seeks to fill this gap by creating a platform to promote the loyalty of several companies, which are open to all types of businesses. The core of this platform is the goal of creating long-term value for customers, not short-term advertising.
. Decentralized application (dApp) where all businesses can create their own loyalty gift programs that are supported by a single token. A single loyalty point system that is united in small on / off-line retailers around the world involving everyday life. Cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, and even shopping centers. Smathium aims to bridge various brands by building a multi-business loyalty award platform that is open to all types of businesses. As an integrated media exchange between users and brands, Smathium tokens can be used for transactions in all businesses registered on our platform and can be traded in exchange. Other than that,
How does it work?
  1. SMATHIUM is a blockchain based loyalty platform that aims to resolve the main challenges facing traditional loyalty programs. Decentralized application (dApp) where all businesses can create their own loyalty gift programs that are supported by a single token. A single loyalty point system that is united in small on / off-line retailers around the world involving everyday life. Cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, and even shopping centers!
  2. Studies show that even if customers like the loyalty program, they don’t enjoy it fully. A survey by CodeBroker shows that at least 54% of consumers are frustrated with their loyalty reward program. Reasons for frustration include a lack of differentiation and the fact that the majority only provide limited benefits. Also, implementing a strong loyalty reward program tends to be very expensive to lock most businesses.
  3. Although incumbents such as department stores and airlines can provide high-value membership programs for their customers, small and medium-sized companies cannot. Smathium aims to bridge this gap by building a multi-business loyalty award platform that is open to all types of businesses. At the heart of this platform is the goal of creating long-term value for customers rather than serving as a short-term promotion.
Any SMATHIUM Platform Can Enjoy the Benefits of Membership Like a Department Store
Anyone including an application business and small traders can provide their own unique membership program to customers. Give a different membership program to your loyal customers.
  1. Single Unified Coin
    Customers can receive their gifts in one form of cryptocurrency instead of different points for each brand. Smathium guarantees legitimate assets for its customers.
  2. Benefits that Can Be Traded
    Brands that participate in the Smathium Platform can buy and sell benefits. The membership program is a new sales channel for large-scale sales for these brands.
Further information:
Website:   https://smathium.io/
Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2587792
Eth : 0x11f9b1212F3aF42afee390071F55488f10489ef0

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Selasa, 28 Mei 2019

Bridging The Physical And Virtual World

Colletrix Logo

Colletrix – Bridging The Physical And Virtual World

Colletrix – Digital collection in the game in the form of rising NFT became popular with CryptoKitties launch in 2018 and strong initial success. , We believe NFT bring the great potential application to market the merchandise.
Utilizing crypto collection appeal, the Project will be the first to integrate the new economy to the old economy, creates a business model that is completely new. Creation Colletrix platform will introduce the industry’s first platform where the original IP owner can provide a new lifetime license through tokenization. We apply the NFT technology to build a new business model that will benefit IP owners and consumers. By doing that, we started the first step to develop and enhance ecosystem blockchain society. This platform will be a new milestone for goods and industrial markets IP.
We are proud to introduce Colletrix, blockchain project to bring together the elements of IP, blockchain, and merchandise to create a new market value supported by the world’s leading smart system contract, Ethereum.
Through the Platform, we predict the interest of collectors; we maximize the benefit of the franchise; we enjoy the benefits of IP owners.
Colletrix supported by a talented team of Undone, Animoca Brand, Future Arena, and Bitwork Accelerator. The goal of this project is to revolutionize the intellectual property ownership, protection and constant values ​​for IP owners through merchandise token while ensuring the confidence merchants and consumers about the authenticity of the products they buy. Undone will share sales experience to demonstrate the benefits of technology products blockchain, Animoca Brands will introduce a wide network of technology and IP technology chain block and the game, and the Future Arena will use a list of IP addresses of sports and entertainment area – and all to create dynamic ecosystems in creating a dynamic ecosystem. IP, commercial and physical transactions using blockchain technology.
In the future, in addition to IP-based business models token, would explore the possibility of Colletrix redefine the market value of the goods by basic authentication technology. With the integration of digital and traditional cargo assets, add the digital value of assets exceeds the value of the collection will initially create value entirely new collection of collective goods.
Colletrix will learn new NFT technology development and help verify the authenticity of the goods and provide proof of ownership and authenticity blockchain technology, make false entirely defenseless.
Through Colletrix platform, we aim to create new market value by integrating IP marks. With the advent of NFT, we will combine the old economy and new economy. Therefore, we will expand opportunity for all owners and manufacturers worldwide IP to create a long-term license to IP6 them; and for the transaction, we will give them new from the market value of their physical goods through the use of blockchain, maximize the appeal and product advantages. The inclusion of the NFT will stimulate the interest of collectors, enabling them to easily access the electronic money market and open up new business opportunities, such as making the franchise.
Initially, Colletrix will cooperate with Undone, Animoca Brand and Future Arena to develop a series of unique watches as a product and NFC chip inserted into the assembly stage. Each NFC chip will contain a private key and other information to buy tokens ERC-721 (NFT) suitable platform. Once a customer buys a watch, he can use the phone’s NFC reader scans the clock and get the private key. Then he could go to the foundation in exchange NFT-related (IP design for) by the private key.


Through the Platform, Colletrix trying to create new market value by integrating IP tokenization. With the introduction of NFT, we will combine the old economy and new economy. Therefore, we will do so to extend the possibilities for all IP owners and makers worldwide to make a long-term license to IP6 them; and for merchandisers, we will offer them a new value in the physical commodity markets them through blockchain applications, maximize the appeal and benefits of their products.
NFT inclusion would create a dynamic interest in the collector while giving them easy access to the crypto market and lead to new business opportunities such as the creation of the franchise. Colletrix will be one of the first to inspire a mass transformation and integration of the world economy.


We envision a world in which the new economy and the old economy will be integrated to create a new economic model that maximizes the benefits for all participants. Starting with the IP and the creative industries, we imagine an industrial revolution where IP owners will be able to maintain their license fees feasible to apply the technology blockchain.

Colletrix Platform

Colletrix Ecosystem
This platform is a new business model that consists of a mutually beneficial relationship between the five sections: the IP owners, merchandisers, collectors, fans and your Crypto.

How It Works

Initially, Colletrix will work with Undone, Animoca Brand and Future Arena to design a number of unique watches as merchandise, and put them to the NFC chip in the assembly phase. Each NFC chip will contain a unique private key and other information related to redeeming ERC-721 mark (NFT) on the platform. After customers buy the watch, he can use the phone’s NFC reader scan watch and take the private key. Then, he can go to make up the NFT related Platform (IP design visualized) with the private key.
When customers redeem NFT, he gained ownership of digital assets and physical assets watching. All information uploaded to the network Ethereum ownership, where everyone can verify the data. Owners also can see it visualized NFT (this watch design matching IP) directly on the platform.

CIPX Tokenomics

Colletrix will issue its own ecosystem mark, Colletrix Token ( “CIPX”). CIPX is supported by a network cryptocurrency Ethereum with ERC-20 standard. Therefore, all the records relating to CIPX Ethereum can be viewed using a browser. As cryptocurrency trade, CIPX can be used in many situations, but especially and initially used in the purchase NFT NFT issued through the Marketplace.
We aspire to create subversive ecosystem tokenization which will introduce new IP business model transformation for the industry. IP through tokenization, we aim to improve and secure the benefits for IP owners. At the same time, it will attract additional major IP owners to expand this ecosystem. With more IP owners to participate in this program, merchandisers will be able to expand the range of products for physical goods paired with digital assets. NFT market will attract the attention and interest of collectors around the world. a large and loyal collector base will enable the high trading volume, and increasing the market price for CIPX due to high demand – especially as the number of NFT and CIPX unlimited number of the stable.

Colletrix Token Sales

Colletrix Funds

Colletrix Funds


  • May 2019
    1. Initial exchange offer
    2. Team recruitment
    3. June 2019 Beta platform and merchandise launch (UNDONE watch related to NFT, IP tokenization)
  • Q3 2019
    1. First IP x NFT Marketplace Merchandise Development
    2. More UNDONE merchandise plus the NFT collection
  • Q4 2019 – Q1 2020
    1. Gamification element to provide incentives for the NFT collection
    2. Open a platform for the manufacture of pure IP (decoupling merchandise from creating IP, leading to more IPs that are made and tokenized)
  • Q2 2020
    1. Apply IP merchandising to other products – users must spend CIPX to make NFT with their merchandise


Based on the data and facts that look, Colletrix excellent for reviewing and investment. It is based on the fact for the moment, many projects are not good, and make all the people who invest a lot of questions about the certainty and truth of them, so if you want to invest in this project, you should read all of the articles that I made, so you can find out more about this Colletrix of their project.

To know the latest information about the Colletrix project you can visit the link below:

Bitcointalk username: vgen
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2587792
ETH: 0x11f9b1212F3aF42afee390071F55488f10489ef0
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